Chenies believes in supporting all children to fulfil their potential socially, emotionally and academically.
The Pupil Premium Funding (PPF) is targeted at specific groups of pupils in order to provide additional support and resources to narrow the attainment gap. Documents below give specific information on the Pupil Premium funding, what we spent this money on and the impact it has had on learners.
Since October 2012, Ofsted Inspectors have evaluated and reported on how additional funding provided through the pupil premium is being spent and its impact on raising standards. Pupil Premium is for pupils known to be eligible for free school meals, children from service families; and those children that are looked after.
We intend Pupil Premium funding to impact upon positive outcomes for pupils in the following ways:
- improved social and emotional skills
- improved opportunities to develop physical, musical and artistic skills in extra-curricular activities
- improved experiences beyond the classroom
- accelerated progress in reading, writing and maths
If any parent or guardian wishes to discuss the Pupil Premium please speak to Ms Rebecca Sutherland Headteacher, or Libby Wilson, our Pupil Premium Governor.