Admissions and tours

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Admissions into Reception Class September 2024

We are delighted that you are considering Chenies School as the school for your child.  If you have not yet visited our school, please do contact the school office on 01923 282546 to arrange for a tour.  We will be very proud to show you our school in action.

We will be holding Open Days for our new prospective parents on the following days:

School Tours for 2024/25 - No dates, please contact office directly

Tours begin at either 9.30 am or 1.30pm and take around 45 minutes. Parents/carers are shown around the school and will see the children participating in their usual activities. The tour groups are kept to a maximum of 6 adults to minimise disruption to the classes.

Please contact the school office to book a place ( / 01923 282546 )

Children normally enter the Reception Class in September of the school year in which they turn five. We are a small village school and our admission number for children into Reception Classes is currently 15.

Buckinghamshire Council's online application portal for children starting Reception in September 2024 opens on 4th November 2023 and closes 15th January 2024. 

You can apply for a school place via Buckinghamshire Council Admissions Team - link below:

Apply for a primary school place | Buckinghamshire Council

In-Year Admissions

If you are interested in your child becoming part of Chenies School and would like a school tour, please contact the school office: 01923 282546

An application for your child to join our school can be made at any time during the school year.   These applications will be processed through the “County In-Year Admissions Scheme”. Applications for admission at any time may be made by parents/carers on-line via the link below. 

Below are links to our Admissions Policy and to relevant Buckinghamshire Council web pages to help you get all the information that you need.

We look forward to meeting you and your child.

Buckinghamshire Council links:

We advise parents wishing to contact Buckinghamshire Council to use the Contact Us form which provides the Council with all the information required to answer the parents' enquiry:

Admissions and school transport - Contact us

Hyperlinks for additional information can be found below: 

School Admissions

School admissions | Buckinghamshire Council

Starting school or moving up to junior school

Apply for a primary school place | Buckinghamshire Council

Moving up to secondary school

Apply for a secondary school place | Buckinghamshire Council

Changing school in year

Apply to change school during the academic year (in-year transfer) | Buckinghamshire Council

Find my child a school place

Find my child a school place (


Notes for Parents and Guardians on Admission Appeals
You can make an appeal if you have applied for a place at Chenies School and the place has been refused.
Appeals are managed by the Buckinghamshire County Council.  Buckinghamshire County Council uses an independent panel to hear appeals and they consider the evidence from the parent/carers and the school to reach a judgement. 

You can:

  •          appeal for any school which you have applied for and been refused
  •          make an appeal as soon as your application for a school place is refused

For each school you appeal for, you must complete a separate appeal form. There will be a separate appeal for each school.

You cannot make two appeals for the same school in the same academic year.

Please refer to Buckinghamshire County Council where you can find more information regarding the appeal process.