Home learning tasks13th July

Dear Hepworth, 
Wow, it is the last week of term for this academic year!
We have tried to make this a slightly different week, with more choice and more fun activities.
Check the timetable, as always,  for instructions and look below for any links to the activities.
Remember - as always - to share anything with us that you would like us to see.
We hope you have a good week, enjoy the summer holidays and we are really looking forward to seeing those of you in Year 5 back in school in September, when you will be Year 6!
Mrs Tillyer, Mrs Wilson and Mrs Walker.
PS - Keep your eyes peeled for some videos from Year 6.
Choose the activities from below that you would like to try
Have fun!
Afternoon Activities
Take a look at this link
There are different activities from last week that are based on Art, music, drama and DT that could choose from.  Or take a look at the afternoon activities for this week, which will also include some sporting activities.
Choose activities that you will enjoy and try to do something a bit different too!
Below are resources you need.
Please try to keep practising your spellings over the summer if you can! It will help lots in September whether you are in year 5 or year 6!
Update process diary below
(there were errors on the last page)
Year 6 Leavers